
The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery - Vol. 26 , No. 2

[ Review Paper ]
The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery - Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 57-62
Abbreviation: KSFM
ISSN: 2287-9706 (Print)
Print publication date 01 Apr 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5293/kfma.2023.26.2.057

2022년 가스/스팀터빈 분야 연구동향

*Korea Aerospace Research Institute
Correspondence to : E-mail : electra@kari.re.kr

1. 서 론

한국유체기계학회 논문집과 한국유체기계학회 하계 및 동계 학술대회에 투고된 논문을 통해 2022년 국내 가스/스팀터빈분야의 연구 동향을 분석하였다. 전년과 마찬가지로 금년도에도 가스/스팀터빈분야로 투고된 논문들을 유동장(122), 열전달 및 냉각(2348), 시험평가 및 성능해석(4972), 기술 및 현황 소개(7393) 등 총 4개 분야로 분류하였다. 압축기, 연소, 베어링, 회전체 동역학 등은 별도로 연구동향을 분석하므로 이 분석에서는 제외하였다.

표 1의 투고/발표 방법에 따른 논문 수를 보면, 가스/스팀터빈을 주제로 논문집에 총 9편의 논문이 심사를 통과하여 논문집 25권 1호∼6호에 걸쳐 게재되었다. 2021년과 비교하여(94) 2022년도에 학술대회에 발표된 논문 수를 살펴보면, 예년에 비해 하계학술대회에서 발표된 논문 수는 상대적으로 적었으나, 코로나19 관련 방역규제가 대폭 완화된 동계학술대회에서는 연구자들의 대면 학술대회 발표 선호도가 높아져 하계학술대회의 2배에 가까운 수의 연구논문이 발표되었다. 가스/스팀터빈 분야 전체 논문 수는 표 2와 같이 최근 3년 동안 꾸준히 증가한 것을 확인할 수 있다.

표 1 
2022년도 투고형태에 따른 논문 수
투고 방법 논문 수
논문집 9
하계학술대회 일반세션 16
특별세션 9
포스터 5
동계학술대회 일반세션 33
특별세션 17
포스터 4
합 계 93

표 2 
연도별 분류 기준에 따른 논문 수
분류 기준 논문 수 (편)
2020년 2021년 2022년
유동장 17 20 22
열전달 및 냉각 30 26 26
시험평가 및 성능해석 21 15 24
기술 및 현황 소개 8 18 21
합계 76 79 93

표 2에는 최근 3년간 가스/스팀터빈분야로 투고된 논문들을 주제별로 분류/정리하였다. 2022년에는 예년과 다르게 특정분야에 논문들이 편중되지 않고, 주제별 비슷한 수의 논문이 투고되었다. 이는 항공용/발전용 가스터빈 국산화 모델 개발에 힘입어 관련 연구주제 다양화 및 제반기술 고도화에 의한 것으로 생각된다. 유동장 및 열전달 및 냉각 분야 논문 수는 예년과 비슷한 수준으로 논문이 투고되었으며 시험평가 및 성능해석, 기술 및 현황소개 분야에서 작년에 비해 많은 논문이 투고되어 전체 논문 수 증가를 견인하였다.

2. 유동장 관련 연구

가스터빈의 유동장과 관련되어 투고된 논문은 아래와 같이 3가지 세부주제로 총 23편의 논문이 투고되었다.

  • - 가스터빈 구성품 씰 및 2차 유동
  • - 가스터빈 구성품 주유동 및 팁유동
  • - 가스터빈 연소기

최근 5년간 가스터빈 구성품의 기밀 및 누설 특성에 대한 연구발표 사례가 꾸준히 증가하였으며, 금년도 해당 분야에서는 총 8편의 논문이 투고되었다. 가스터빈 구성품 래버런스 씰, 림씰 등 다양한 씰 종류의 성능을 비교 분석한 논문, 또한 씰의 개발 및 적용을 통한 터빈 단의 성능 평가에 대한 연구 등이 포함되어 있다. 가스터빈 구성품의 주유동 및 팁유동 분야에서는 총 11편의 논문이 투고되었다. 가스터빈 구성품의 설계 및 최적화, 익단 누설 유동 유동 및 내부 유동장 분석 및 이에 따른 구성품 성능평가 등의 내용이 주를 이루었다. 75톤급 한국형 발사체 터보펌프 터빈 성능평가 연구사례(17) 및 항공기 가스터빈 엔진 개발 시 진행되는 트위킹 시험(18) 등 흥미로운 주제의 논문도 발표되었으며, 항공용 가스터빈 엔진을 중심으로 4편의 가스터빈 연소기 관련 논문이 투고되었다.(19)(22)

3. 열전달 및 냉각 관련 연구

열전달 및 냉각 관련 연구논문들은 아래와 같이 크게 4개의 주제로 분류할 수 있으며, 2022년도에는 아래 주제로 총 26편의 논문이 투고, 발표되었다.

  • - 냉각계통이 포함된 가스터빈 시스템 해석
  • - 단위요소(내부냉각 및 막냉각) 별 냉각 열전달 특성
  • - 터빈 날개 단위의 열전달 특성
  • - 적층제조를 활용한 냉각터빈 요소 제작

하계 학술대회에서는 가스터빈 열전달과 관련하여 ‘엔진 모사 환경에서의 가스터빈 열전달’(23) 및 ‘터빈 날개 전연에서의 냉각 기법’(24)에 대한 2건의 특별강연이 진행되었다. 해당 특별강연을 포함하여 총 18편의 내부냉각 및 막냉각 등 냉각요소에 초점을 둔 연구개발 논문이 투고되었다. 고압터빈 실제 운용 조건에 가까운 고속 조건에서의 냉각요소 성능평가에 대한 연구(38) 및 오픈소스 CFD 및 LES 코드를 활용한 막냉각 유동장 연구(26)(27) 등과 같이 눈길을 끄는 연구내용도 있었다. 또한 항공기 엔진용 냉각터빈에 대한 복합 열전달 해석 및 상사시험을 통한 냉각성능 평가에 대한 연구도 다수 발표되고 있다.(28)(44)(45) 가스터빈 냉각요소 적층제조에 따른 냉각성능을 평가하는 연구(46)(48)도 관련 프로젝트 진행에 따라 꾸준히 발표되고 있다.

4. 시험평가 및 성능해석 관련 연구

2022년도에도 가스터빈의 시험평가 및 성능해석 관련 연구를 아래와 같이 3개의 주제로 분류하였고, 2022년도에는 아래 주제로 총 24편의 논문이 투고, 발표되었다.

  • - 가스터빈 시스템 성능해석
  • - 전산유체역학/구조해석
  • - 가스터빈 엔진/구성품 성능시험

국내 개발 발전용 가스터빈 엔진 사업의 진행에 따라 가스터빈 시스템의 시동, 성능평가, 진단 등을 평가하는 성능해석 분야 논문들이 발표되었다. 전산유체역학/구조해석 분야 논문에서는 하계학술대회에서는 ‘가스터빈 엔진 구성품 해석에 고정밀도 수치해석 필요성’을 설명하는 초청강연(49)이 준비되었으며, 가스터빈 엔진 공력해석을 위한 CFD 기법 개발, 주조공정 예측 및 열응력에 의한 피로평가 등과 해석연구 사레들이 발표되었다. 가스터빈 엔진/구성품 성능시험 분야에서는 ‘10MWe급 초임계 이산화탄소 발전시스템 압축기 성능시험’ 내용을 소개하는 초청강연(50)과 함께 마이크로 가스터빈 엔진 제어, 파생모델 개발 연구 내용, 적층제조 공정에 따른 구조적 안정성 평가, 소재의 안정성 평가와 관련된 총 13편의 논문이 발표되었다.

5. 기술 및 현황소개 관련 논문

2022년에는 기술 및 현황소개 관련 발표가 21편으로 최근 3년 기준 가장 많은 수의 논문이 발표되었다. 특히 해당 논문들은 성격상 학술대회에서 발표된 논문들이 대부분이며, 기관별 기술개발 현황 및 과제진행 현황 등을 주로 특별세션을 구성하여 발표하였다. 탄소 중립 시대를 준비하기 위한 수소 가스터빈 관련 기술개발 현황 및 암모니아 혼소 및 분해를 통한 수소 공급기술 등을 소개하는 논문들(73)(76)(81),(83)(84),(87)(91)이 하계/동계 학술대회에서 다수 발표되었고, 국산 발전용 가스터빈의 실증시험 및 구성품 개발, 계측 등의 관련기술을 소개한 논문(74)(75)(85)(86)이 발표되었다

또한 항공기용 마이크로 가스터빈 엔진 기술(82), 무인기용 가스터빈 엔진 터빈 기술(93), 가스터빈 블레이드 리엔지니어링 기술, 항공기 가스터빈 엔진 고온부 성능평가 기술(20)(46), 3D 프린팅을 이용한 냉각요소 및 세라믹 코어 제작기술(74)(92) 그리고 등이 특별세션을 통해 해당 기술현황을 소개하고 연관 연구개발 사례발표를 진행하였다.

6. 결 론

2022년 한국유체기계학회 논문집과 한국유체기계학회 하계 및 학술대회에서 발표된 논문을 바탕으로 2022년 가스/스팀 터빈 분야의 연구 동향을 살펴보았다. 2022년에는 2021년에 비해 양적으로도 발표된 논문 편수가 증가하였고, 주로 국산 가스터빈 연구개발 단계를 반영한 다양한 기관에서 특정 주제에 편중되지 않은 다양한 주제의 연구논문이 발표되었다. 2030 국가 온실가스 감축목표의 한 축을 담당하는 수소 가스터빈, 가스터빈 부품 제조 과정의 변화를 불러온 적층 제조 기술 관련 논문의 수가 꾸준히 증가하는 반면, 초임계 이산화탄소 사이클이나 유기랭킨 사이클과 같이 최근 논문 발표 건수가 축소된 사례도 찾을 수 있었다.

1. Namgyoung Lee, Jun Seok Lee, Jae Sung Yang, Jeong Hoon Heo, June Kee Min, 2022, “Shape Optimization of the Bellmouth to Improve Flow Uniformity under High Reynolds Number with Non-aligned Inflow,” The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 26-35
2. Ye Hwan Chun, Joon Ahn, 2022, “Analysis of Factors of Change in Discharge Coefficient of Stepped Labyrinth Seals,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
3. Hyeok Je Kim, Woojun Kim, Jae Su Kwak, Dong Hyun Kim, Il Young Jung, 2022, “Effect of Honeycomb Cell Size and Depth on the Performance of Stepped Labyrinth Seal,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
4. Seungyeong Choi, Taehyun Kim, Hee Seung Park, Ho Seop Song, Donghwa Kim, Hyung Hee Cho, 2022, “Effect of installation location of radial rib of gas turbine rotor-stator system considering rim seal performance and heat transfer,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
5. Jaeseong Lee, Hyojun Yang, Donghwa Kim, Changhoon Lee, 2022, “Positioning of Curved-Castellated Seal in the Gas Turbine Rim Seal to Improve Sealing Effectiveness,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
6. Jin Woo Jung, Sung Ho Hwang, Gwon Jong Jung, Tae Ho Kim, 2022, “Experimental Comparison of Leakage Flow Rates of Labyrinth Seal, Brush Seal, Hybrid Hydrodynamic Seal,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
7. Eojin Kim, Bonhan Goo, Seung Yeob Lee, Jaemin Lee, 2022, “Experimental Study on Leakage Characteristic of Strip Seal for Turbine Nozzle Guide Vanes,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
8. Geun Seo Park, Min Seok Hur, Tong Seop Kim, Dong Hyun Kim, Il Young Jung, 2022, “Performance Prediction Method for Labyrinth Seal using Feed Forward Neural Network,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
9. Min Seok Hur, Si Young Jo, Tong Seop Kim, Dong Hyun Kim, Il Young Jung, 2022, “Numerical Analysis on the Aerodynamic Performance of a First Stage Turbine with Labyrinth Seal,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
10. Dunam Hong, Minsuk Choi, Myungho Kim, Seung Jin Song, 2022, “Effect of Tip Clearance on Loss in Linear Turbine Cascade with Casing Secondary Air Injection,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
11. Myoung Hun Han, Jeong Hoon Heo, Jae Sung Yang, June Kee Min, 2022, “Shape Optimization of the Bellmouth to Improve the Flow Uniformity under High Reynolds Number and Non-Aligned Inflow Conditions,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
12. Soohyun Jo, Youngmin Jeon, Seungchan Baek, Jinmoo Chung, Jeonghwan Song, Donghyun You, Wontae Hwang, 2022, “Aerodynamic Investigation of Blade Tip Geometry in a Linear Cascade,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
13. Jongsu Oh, Young Jun Kang, Jin Young Jeong, Woojun Kim, Jae Su Kwak, 2022, “The Influence of Tip Shroud on Gas Turbine Blade Tip Leakage,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
14. Jun-Seong Kim, Do-Yeop Kim, You-Taek Kim, 2022, “A Study on Blade Optimization of a Two-Stage Centrifugal Turbine,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
15. Byung Ju Lee, Dong-Eun Lee, Dong-Ho Rhee, Young Seok Kang, Kyungjae Lee, Jae Hwan Kim, 2022, “Development of Numerical Analysis Techniques for Aviation Micro Gas Turbine Engine Compressor,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
16. Donghwa Kim, Keekeun Kim, Gyongwon You, 2022, “Comparative Study of Gas Turbine Engines its Secondary Air and Cooling System,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
17. Joon-Hwan Bae, Ju-Hyun Shin, Chang-Ho Choi, 2022, “Evaluation of Hydrodynamic Performance of a 75-Tonf Turbopump Turbine with or without Exit Guide Vane,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
18. Tae Choon Park, Byeung Jun Lim, Bongjun Cha, 2022, “Experimental Study on Nozzle Vane Tweaking of Low Pressure Turbine,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
19. Shaun Kim, Jupyoung Kim, Suhyeong Cho, Byeongkwon Im, Kapsik Son, Chulju Ahn, Young-Seok Kang, Heeyoon Chung, Dong-Ho Rhee, 2022, “Development of Reverse Annular Combustor: Integrated Simulation of Combustor and Turbine,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
20. Jupyoung Kim, Shaun Kim, Suhyeong Cho, Hyungmo Kim, Jaeho Kim, 2022, “Development of Aircraft Engine Combustor,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
21. Donghyun Kim, Hyeon-Seok Shim, Myungho Kim, Gyongwon Ryu, 2022, “Ejection Mode Boundaries of a Slinger-Type Rotary Atomizer,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
22. Hwan Gyo Kim, Jun Su Park, 2022, “Study for NOx Emission Change in SEV Burner Combustion Field according to Lance Shape Change in Combustor,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
23. Jae Su Kwak, “Heat Transfer Study of Gas Turbine under Conditions Simulating Engine Operation (Keynote speech),” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
24. Tongbeum Kim, “Internal Cooling At The Leading Edge Of A Turbine Blade By Blockage Jets (Keynote speech),” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
25. Yeongtaek Oh, Hyebin Kim, Kuisoon Kim, 2022, “Improvement of Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics of Pin Fin Arrays using Curved Delta Winglet Vortex Generators,” The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vo. 25, No. 3, pp. 28-37.
26. Min Seok Kang, Yu Jin Song, Jae Su Kwak, 2022, “The Effect of Roughness inside the Circular Part of Fan-Shaped Film Cooling Hole on the Change in Film Cooling Effectiveness,” The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 5-10.
27. Seokmin Kim, Seung-Hwan Kang, Dong-Ho Rhee, Young Seok Kang, 2022, “A Study on the Film Cooling Characteristics downstream of Fan-Shaped Cooling Hole on a Flat Plate using OpenFOAM,” The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vol 25, No. 1, pp. 5-15.
28. Heeyoon Chung, Dong-Ho Rhee, Seokmin Kim, Young-Seok Kang, Jaiho Kim, Chulju Ahn, Byeongkwon Lim, Bokwon Lee, 2022, “Similarity Test for Cooling Performance Evaluation of Turbine Blades in Gas Turbine Engine,” The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 38-46.
29. Seungyeong Choi, Jeongwon Lee, Gyeongryun Kim, Sangyun Lee, Yong Hwi Lee, Il Young Jung, MyungHwan Cho, Hyung Hee Cho, 2022, “Effect of Radial Rib Height of Rotor on Heat Transfer in a Gas Turbine Rotor-Stator System,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
30. Jeonghun Heo, Taehyun Kim, Hee Jae Lee, Taedoo Yoon, Changyong Lee, Hyung Hee Cho, 2022, “Heat Transfer Characteristics with Hole Blockage in a Gas Turbine Vane Internal Rectangular Channel,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
31. Seungchan Baek, Wontae Hwang, 2022, Investigation of Internal Cooling Flow in Ribbed Channel with Scaled Roughness due to Additive Manufacturing,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
32. Ye Rim Jo, Jin Young Jeong, Min Seok Kang, Young Jun Kang, Jae Su Kwak, 2022, “Experimental study on film cooling effectiveness of butterfly shaped hole,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
33. Jeongwon Lee, Hee Seung Park, Hee Jae Lee, Hyung Hee Cho, “Analysis of High Pressure Gas Turbine Thermal Load Varying Coolant Mass Flow Rate,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
34. Woojun Kim, Jin Young Jeong, Kun Sung Park, Young Jun Kang, Jongsu Oh, Byoung Woo Lim, Jae Su Kwak, Jin Taek Chung, 2022, “Study of the Heat Transfer on UAV Gas Turbine Blade Tips,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
35. Si-Mok Park, Won-Woo Choi, Sung-Min Kim, 2022, “Heat Transfer Enhancement using Pin Fins in Impingement/Effusion Cooling System,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
36. Sang Min Kim, Sang Youl Yoon, Man Yeong Ha, June Kee Min, Yong Gap Park, 2022, “Optimization of the Internal Trailing Edge Cooling Channels of a Gas Turbine Blade through the Fundamental Model,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
37. Jeonghun Heo, Hee Seung Park, Gyeongryun Kim, Hee Jae Lee, Changyong Lee, Hyung Hee Cho, 2022, “Effects of Hole Blockage on Heat Transfer in Rectangular Channel with Various Aspect Ratios,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
38. Min Seok Kang, Woo Jun Kim, Jae Su Kwak, Gi Mun Kim, Ki don Lee, 2022, “Evaluation of Film Cooling Performance under High Speed Conditions of Gas Turbine Vanes with Plate Optimized Film Cooling Holes Applied,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
39. Jongsu Oh, Young Jun Kang, Jae Su Kwak, 2022, “Development of Rotating Test Rig for the Heat Transfer Research of Gas Turbine Internal Cooling Passage,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
40. Jun-Hee Kim, Chang-Woo Kang, 2022, “Effects of Edge Angles of a Inlet Groove on Film Cooling Performance,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
41. Jun Ha Hwang, Jun Su Park, 2022, “Efficiency of Wall Boundary Condition on Film Cooling Effectiveness in the Vane,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
42. Hee Jae Lee, Hee Seung Park, Jeongwon Lee, Yumin Kim, Jeonghun Heo, Jaehyeong Kim, Hyung Hee Cho, 2022, “Improvement of Film Cooling Effectiveness at Blade Tip with Camberline Slot Cooling,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
43. Ji-Su Park, Jun-Hee Kim, Chang-Woo Kang, 2022, “The Effects of Hole Length and Metering Length on the Performance of Film Cooling Hole with a Inlet Groove,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
44. Heeyoon Chung, Dong-Ho Rhee, Seokmin Kim, Young-Seok Kang, Jaiho Kim, Chulju Ahn, Byeongkwon Lim, Bokwon Lee, 2022, “Similarity Test for Cooling Performance Evaluation of Turbine Blades in Gas Turbine Engine,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
45. Young Seok Kang, Heeyoon Chung, Dong-Ho Rhee, Kapsik Son, Shaun Kim, Byeongkwon Lim, 2022, “Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis for 1.5 Stage High-Pressure Turbine,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
46. Dong-Ho Rhee, Heeyoon Chung, Jaiho Kim, Hyung Mo Kim, Jae Hwan Kim, 2022, “Test and Evaluation of Gas Turbine Engine Cooled Turbine Components in High Temperature Environmental Conditions,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
47. Seokmin Kim, Dong-Eun Lee, Yunsup Hwang, Sangook Jun, Dong-Ho Rhee, Young Seok Kang, 2022, “Experimental Study on Film Cooling Effectiveness in High Pressure Turbine according to the Improvement of Cooling Hole Arrangement,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
48. Ho Seop Song, Taehyun Kim, Hee Seung Park, Hee Jae Lee, Gyeongryun Kim, Hyung Hee Cho, 2022, “Characteristics of Cooling Efficiency in Additively Manufactured Gas Turbine Vane Endwall with Lattice Structure,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
49. Do Kyun Kim, “Development of High-Precision Numerical Analysis Methods for Digital Design of Gas Turbines and Jet Engines (Keynote speech),” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
50. Kilyoung Kim, 2022, “Performance Test of sCO2 Compressor near the Critical Point for a 10MWe Brayton Cycle (Keynote speech),” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
51. Jin Hee Park, Jae Hong Lee, Tong Seop Kim, Kyung Woo Jung, 2022, “Development of a Performance Analysis Program for the Gas Turbine Combined Cycle with an Improved Heat Recovery Steam Generator Analysis,” The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 5-13.
52. Jin Seo Kim, Young Kwang Park, Tong Seop Kim, 2022, “Modeling for Thermal Performance Analysis of Power Generation Gas Turbines Using 1D Simulation Programs,” The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 5-11.
53. Seung-Hwan Kang, Heeyoon Chung, Young Seok Kang, Sangook Jun, Tae Ho Yoon, 2022, “Use of OpenFOAM for Numerical Simulation of Gas Turbine,” The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 29-37.
54. Dong-Eun Lee, Seok-Min Kim, Heeyoon Chung, Young Seok Kang, Dong-Ho Rhee, 2022, “Implementation of Engine Start Control Logic of Micro Gas Turbine Engine Using Arduino,” The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 37-46.
55. Jin Seo Kim, Young Kwang Park, Tong Seop Kim, 2022, “Performance Simulation Modeling and Analysis of Power Generation Gas Turbines,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
56. Young Kwang Park, Tong Seop Kim, 2022, “Simulation of the start-up process of a large heavy-duty gas turbine,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
57. Wonjoo Lee, Yu-Hyeong Jeong, Thong Nguyen,Van Doi Truong, JiaPing Xia, Kyucheol Jeong, Hyunkyo Lim, Howon Lee, Seong-hoon Kang, Jonghun Yoo, 2022, “LBM-CA Simulation for Prediction of the Directionally Solidified Microstructure,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
58. Kim Kyung Heui,Kim Sung Min,Kim Hyun Jae, 2022, “Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Evaluation for High Temperature Turbine Stator Components,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
59. Seungmin Lee,Dongil Kim,Jinwoong Ha, 2022 “A Study on the Structural System for Tip Clearance Control using the Temperature Difference of the Cooling Air,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
60. Dong-Eun Lee, Seok-Min Kim, Heeyoon Chung, Young Seok Kang, Dong-Ho Rhee, 2022, “Development of Micro Gas Turbine Engine Operation Control Logic for UAVs based on Arduino,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
61. Kim Kyung Heui, Kim Sung Min, Kim Hyun Jae, 2022, “Aero Gas Turbine Disk High Temperature Low Cycle Fatigue Spin Test,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
62. Tong Seop Kim, Jeong Ho Kim, Jin Yeon Cho, Gyu Bin Kim, Young Kwang Park, 2022, “Design of Gas Turbine Blade Reengineering Platform,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
63. Young Kwang Park, Tong Seop Kim, 2022, “Development of a Gas Turbine Performance Diagnosis Method Based on Thermodynamic Models,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
64. Jin Hyun Ha, Young Kwang Park, Tong Seop Kim, 2022, “Comparison of Partial Load Performance by Turbine Stage Modeling Method of Gas Turbine with Cooling System,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
65. Dong-Eun Lee, Seok-Min Kim, Yunsup Hwang, Young Seok Kang, Kyungjae Lee, Dong-Ho Rhee, 2022, “Micro Turbojet Engine Modification Research for High-Speed UAV Propulsion System,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
66. Yunsup Hwang, Seok-Min Kim, Dong-Eun Lee, Dong-Ho Rhee, Heeyoon Chung, Yeong Seok Kang, “Research of Turbofan Engine Derived from Micro Turbojet Engine,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
67. Jageon Koo, Hyeonwoo Park, Minkyu Seong, Eunju Park, Namhun Kim, 2022, “Influence of the Hot Isostatic Pressing Treatment on the Different Crack Modes of Additively Manufactured CM247LC,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
68. Hyeonwoo Park, Jageon Koo, Minkyu Seong, Byungsoo Kim, Eunju Park, Namhun Kim, 2022, “The Effect of Build-Plate Temperatures on Crack Generation of CM247LC in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Additive Manufacturing,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
69. Joo Eon Kim, Jageon Koo, Hyeonwoo Park, Minkyu Seong, Namhun Kim, 2022,, “The Influence of Droplet Cross-Section Strut on Geometrical Defect of L-PBF Fabricated Lattice Structure,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
70. Janghyeok Pyeon, Bong-gu Kim, Junseong Kim, Tserendorj Khada, Hyeryang Choi, Jung-Hun Son, Byung-il Yang, Yeon- Gil Jung, SeungCheol Yang, 2022, “Preparation of CMAS sol for Evaluation of CMAS Resistance of Thermal Barrier Coating Layer and Degradation Behavior Analysis of Thermal Barrier Coating Layer,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
71. S.H. Kim, S. Kim, I.S. Han, H.J. Bang, Y.H. Seong, S. Lee, 2022, “Development of Fiber-Reinforced Ceramic Matrix Composites for High-Temperature Components of Gas Turbines and Evaluation of High-Temperature Mechanical Properties,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
72. Taejun Yun, Jaecheol Kim, 2022, “A High Temperature Low Cycle Fatigue Life Prediction Model Considering Anisotropic Behavior of Single Crystal Nickel Base Superalloys,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
73. Jungwoo Lee, 2022, “Doosan Enerbility Hydrogen & Gas Turbine Development Status,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
74. Yunchang Jang, 2022, “Advanced Cooling Design for Ring Segment using Additive Manufacturing,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
75. Samsik Nam, 2022, “Doosan Enerbility 1500℃ Class Gas Turbine Validation Test Technology,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
76. Eun-Seong Cho, 2022, “Doosan Enerbility Hydrogen Turbine Combustor Development Status,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
77. Chansun Lim, 2022, “Introduction to Hydrogen Co-Firing Power Generation Technology,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
78. Heon-Jong Ryu, 2022, “Hydrogen Co-Firing Power Generation Demonstration Plan,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
79. Byunghee Hwang, “Demonstration of Hydrogen Co-firing Power Generation of a Retrofitted E-Class Gas Turbine,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
80. Yu-In Jin, “Localization of Mixed-Fuel Gas Supply and Control System for a Hydrogen Co-firing Retrofitted Gas Turbine,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
81. Jong-Ho Uhm, “Characteristics of Hydrogen Co-firing Combustion Test,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
82. Young Seok Kang, Heeyoon Chung, Dong-Eun Lee, Seokmin Kim, Kyungjae Lee, Dong-Ho Rhee, 2022, “R&D Trend of Micro Turbojet Derivative Engine for Aviation,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Summer Annual Meeting
83. Jeongwoo Lee, 2022, “Development of Doosan Gas and Hydrogen Turbine,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
84. Eun-Seong Cho, 2022, “Ammonia Cracking Hydrogen Turbine Combustor Development Status,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
85. Jinuk Kim, 2022, “Gas Turbine Tip Aerodynamic Design,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
86. Sunghyun Kim, 2022, “Instrumentation Design and Measurement of Doosan Gas Turbine,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
87. Chansun Lim, 2022, “Introduction to H2 Power Generation Technology,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
88. Heon-Jong Ryu, Yong-Beom Choi, Jong-Seong Kim, Je-Joong Moon, Jae-gyu Ga, Jeong-seop Lim, Seong-yeol Lee 2022, “Hydrogen Co-Firing Power Generation Demonstration Plan,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
89. Byunghee Hwang, Jihoi Song, 2022, “E-Class Hydrogen Co-fired Gas Turbine Retrofit,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
90. Kiseok Paeng, Yuin Jin, Jintae Kim, 2022, “Development of Mixed-Fuel Gas Supply and Control System for Hydrogen Co-firing Gas Turbine,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
91. Hyunwook Jegal, 2022, “NH3-H2 Co-fired Gas Turbine Combustor Development Plan,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
92. Byoung Gwan Yun, Seung Ro Ju, Man Kyu Han, Da Sol Gil, 2022, “Current Status of Ceramic Core Manufacturing Technology for Turbine Blades using 3D Printing,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
93. Young Seok Kang, Dong-Ho Rhee, Heeyoon Chung, Kyungjae Lee, Seokmin Kim, Dong-Eun Lee, Yunsup Hwang, 2022, “R&D Trends of Micro Gas Turbines for Aviation,” Proceedings of the KSFM 2022 Winter Annual Meeting
94. Ahn, J., 2022, “Research Trends in Gas/Steam Turbine in 2021,” The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 60∼65.